Ipswich Road Busway Bridge
Relieving Slab Stabilization

Project Type
Stabilization of the approach Relieving Slab above the abutments with high early strength grout (5 MPa in 4 hrs) and general grout for the mass fill area all pumped in

Client Location
Main Roads

Scope of Work
Provide WMS, JHA, Environmental Plan, Project Quality Plan, Site Management Plan, Traffic management Plan, Scaffolding, Repair cracked retaining panels, grout up to underside of relieving slab from the underside with standard high flow grout building up in layers and allow to gain sufficient strength, then using pressure crack injection theory inject from above at night when the bus traffic has been closed to provide the support to the underside of the relieving slab using a high early strength grout to harden in 4 hrs to 5 MPa to allow the opening for bus traffic first thing in the morning. Coordinate with Main Roads, Roadtek and our teams and have suitable back up plans and inspection test plans to provide the necessary quality

Project Program
1 week from set up

Other Services
Scaffolding, crack remedials, wall stabilization, visual assessment, grout pumping equipment

Key Performance Indicators
Stabilize the relieving slab on both abutments and prevent further washout. Carry out the pumping at night. Ensure grout flow avoiding air pocket entrapment

Pumping of the final grout level in the time frames required with enough strength gain to allow the bridge to be open up to bus traffic at 6 am in the morning

Reference Name
Relieving Slab Stabilization – Ipswich Road Busway Bridge

$75 to $100 K